Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First Real Post

This is my first real post. And I thought I should start by describing myself. I'm in my mid-thirties,married with a kid to a wonderful woman who takes my breath away everytime, living and working in Nigeria.

I'm into anything wired, basically. Gadgets, widgets, what have you. That's even what I do for a living. I create products and services, and evaluate other people's ideas, for a wireless network operator in Nigeria. Earlier in my career, I was a nuts and bolts kinda guy, wrote software for a living. Now I write only for fun...truth be told I haven't written anything in over a year! More like i design and someone else writes.

I would not be revealing my identity at this time, cos this isn't really a professional blog, but I will focus a lot on professional issues. I'm very much settled in my personal life, so you won't see much about that in this blog. I will be touching mostly on my daily experiences in Lagos, blog about places I've been to (can't post any pictures of me, sorry), talk about workplace experiences, and generally share stuff about the vagaries of being a working professional in Nigeria.

Therein goes my first post. Ta!

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