Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The actual reason why I started actively to blog is partly because of a course I am currently doing, relating to eMarketing. After like a decade plus of work, partly as a software engineer, and partly as a product designer, I decided it was time to learn something new. So I stumbled on this course online in eMarketing, and decided to try it out.

The course basically runs you through the rudiments of digital marketing, online and mobile marketing, proximity marketing, and so on. At the initial I was like...duh, is it not website designing? I program ASP and JSP web apps already! I started it kind of slow, but now I am picking up a lot of interest, and am even considering adding the knowledge to my repetoire of consulting skills.I'm already more than halfway through the course, and should be rounding up in a couple of weeks. It actually has a final project, an exam, and a pass to write the certification exam for the Certified eMarketer credential, from the eMarketing Association. That plus the PMP I did in September makes it two credentials I've earned this year!

One thing that strikes me most about the course is how much fun it can be to learn new things. Since I started, I look at every website differently, I see what could have been done to optimize the site for SEO,rather than just a coder slapping graphics around. It's been exciting really. The really catchy one is that so many businesses in Naija are not even taking advantage of the web to do their business! Obviously there is a major goldmine in Web business and marketing, and we should all tap into it.

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