Friday, July 22, 2011

...I'm back!

Well, I'm back!
Have I gotten older and wiser since I last came on here?
I guess. My son certainly has, he can't stop yammering about everything and anything. Me I am feeling rather jaded, and want to go back to the days i had hobbies, of which blogging is one. I am a bit rusty anyways, so you won't mind this first return post. second coming will see me writing about a wider range of stuff. Just ranting about anything in general. Not just career stuff, I am kind of tired of that. Could be politics, tech, religion, music, just about anything that catches my fancy. Like my daughter on the way. I haven't thought about a name for her yet, and she'll soon be here. WOW ... Not feeling less excited anyway.

Anyways, guys...I'm back.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, by the way...I will be making at least one blog entry every day. I noticed my sis has rediscovered her writing skills on FB. Me sef I no go kere, lol!
