Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are Fresh Grads Of Today Smarter Than Previous Grads?

I had this argument with a few friends yesterday.
Sure, today's grads are younger, have more information, better-looking, etc, etc. But are they really smarter than graduates of 10, 15, 20, 25 years ago?

I deal with fresh grads (NYSC, etc) on an everyday basis, and, based on my interaction, I would say an emphatic NO in general.
My reasons?

1. They seem to know a lot less than older grads about the fundamentals of the course they studied. For example, I have corpers in my team, who are supposed to be 1st class or 2.1 graduates of electronic engineering. They don't even understand the fundamentals of telecoms.

2. They don't seem to have the discipline required for the work environment. They are kind of conditioned for the 'easy life'. They complain about every task you assign to them.

3. They are a lot more focused on office politics, which is surprising for their level and age. In my day, which wasn't that far off, fresh grads who were into politics stood out sharply like a sore thumb. Most of us were just naive, and wanted to learn.

4. They're heavily into Facebook, and Twitter. Not to mention the EPL, Nollywood, Nigezie, and Sound City. I mean, full-time.

5. They are 100% sold on the Quick Fix. Young people nowadays don't just say 'I wanna be a pilot, because I love flying'. Nowadays, what you hear is 'I heard that pilots are paid N1m a month, and they are in high demand. Can you tell me which certification (sic) I can quickly do that would make me a pilot in 1 week?'

At the end of the day, I can say this about most of the younger grads:
They are street-smart, not book-smart.
They are way too aware of money, which makes them seem shallow to me, for their age.
A good time is more important than a hard day's work to them.
They are street-smart, not book-smart.

Now I'm not generalizing. A lot of them still have good values. I'm just saying that the majority don't.
Would like to hear the opinions of the house.

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